lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2008

"Living On The Edge"

People use to think that racism and discrimination are terrible cruel cultural elements and they should be eradicated, because we need a better free and united world. But we don’t recognize that sometimes we have these postures, and we think that our behavior is “normal” and the question is “What is normal?” “Is normal a good way of acting?”

We are part of a globalization process, and we are turning into a "smaller world" or a "global village", but why we still keep this kind of attitudes towards differences between people? Shouldn’t we accept now more each other and be more open-minded?

In this article we want to present some situations and you as an honest lector will reflect on your normal reactions, as a test for yourself:
a) Do you use the word “chola” or “cholo” to make a reference of a person in a negative way? When you dislike the person you sometimes use these words to qualify? Do you use it in pejorative way, for insulting others?

b) Sometimes in clubs, VIP’s decide which people should enter the place or not, and the majority of people find this a huge discrimination. But, what happen when all races and socio-economic groups are in the same club or party? Does everyone feel comfortable? Do you feel comfortable?
c) Does everyone feel ok inside a combi? Why some people think it is not secure? Because the drivers are not capable, or also because there people can rob them? Do you find extremely disgusting the smell or other circumstances inside it?

d) If a Muslim travels on an airplane, people normally are afraid on what that person can do. In the airport they are more and checked. In USA Americans are afraid about them, and they are segregated in different ways. Do you sometimes think or feel this sensation of insecurity when this people are in your plane? Do you think this attitude is good to prevent any problem?

e) USA is a country with many illegal people, especially Latin-Americans and Mexicans. This cultural diffusion is very complex, and many Americans make jokes about them and there is a cultural conflict between them. Some people say openly that they dislike foreigners, but others segregate them in a more unconscious way; such as been afraid that this people rob them. Have you ever been part of this conflict? If you are Latin-American, have you ever feel resentment against people that act like this? Resentment is part of discrimination.

f) Racial problems between black and white people are nowadays not a political problem such in the future, when racism was “legal”, but it is more “subtle.” Black people neighborhoods are very different from the white ones. Hate is in other ways expressed, such as in jokes or in some people’s attitude. Have you ever said or laugh about a joke of this nature?

g) When people ask for jobs, many enterprises ask for a photo of the candidate and they rule out applicants with certain physical characteristics, even though they have great intellectual capacities. Have you ever been in this situation? What is your opinion?
Now after analyzing your reactions, you can take some conclusions. Try to reflect before acting and don’t forget that all human beings are equal in dignity and rights, and our diversity of race and customs are part of our essence and accepting this is the first step for decreasing conflicts. You can make the difference.

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