domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2008

Gap Between RICH & POOR

No one can deny the benefits that come with globalization. This word gives us the idea of an interconnected world with more technology and greater economic growth. Looking at it like this, it seems to be the perfect world. But, is this really like this? Actually, the question would be: is it the perfect world for EVERYONE?

It is true that rich people continue to get richer with this “globalized world”. UN reports show that over the last four years, the 200 richest people have doubled their wealth to more than $1 trillion; but what about the poorest ones? The report also shows that number of people living with less than a dollar a day riches up to 1.3 billion. This demonstrates that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, then, something in this process has got to be functioning wrong. The 400 highest income earners in the USA make as much money in a year as 300 million African people. The mixed wealth of the world’s three richest families is greater than the annual income of 600 million people in Third World countries. We could continue with the numbers, but these ones already show us that something is clearly wrong with this “perfect world”.

The gap between rich and poor persists, the dangerous thing here is that it not only persists, but it is also widening at amazing levels. Globalization, in terms of economy, has created a risky division that has got to stop growing. The United Nations has made a number of recommendations in order to stop this, including an international forum of business that would help poor countries conduct global negotiations. The basic point here is inserting the Third World countries in the global economy, so that every single country is benefited in a different way, and the rich countries would stop from getting richer at expenses of the poorest.

Globalization is supposed to benefit everyone; it is supposed to unify the world, creating a win-win situation and not the benefit of the most powerful ones at expenses of the weakest ones. Sadly, the situation nowadays seems to be like this, again, rich get richer and poorer get poorer. Could this breach stop from growing? In the present, there is not such thing as the perfect world for everyone, but could it exist in the future?

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